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Hiru Shaakya Sinha Mangalyaya draws a large number of devotees in Anuradhapura

Hiru Shaakya Sinha Mangalyaya organized by Hiru TV and Hiru FM of the Asia Broadcasting Corporation to mark Vesak this year is currently underway at the Ruwanweli Maha Saaya in Anuradhapura.

The Shakya Sinha Mangalyaya commenced this morning (Apr. 29) after hundreds of thousands of devotees observed Ata Sil.

Member of the Sangha Council of the Asgiri Maha Viharaya, Chief Incumbent of the Wariyapola Sri Sumangala Viharaya, Venerable, Professor Thumulle Selakkanda Thera conducted the opening sermon.

Later a Dhamma discussion was held at the Maha Vihara premises.

Senior Lecturer of the Bhikku University and the Chief Monk in charge of the Abhayagiri Raja Maha Viharaya, Venerable Kalanchiye Rathanasiri Thera, Senior Lecturers Nimal Wijesiri and Mahinda Herath, Astrologist Nishantha Perera joined the discussion.

Donating rugs to the sacred Ruwanweli Maha Saaya by the Chairman of Asia Broadcasting Corporation, Mr. Rayynor Silva is a significant event in this programme.

The heat in the afternoon makes it tough for devotees to walk along the stone floor when worshipping Ruwanweli Maha Saaya.

Accordingly, the rugs are being offered, for the benefit of devotees.

A Samadhi Buddha Statue and a Dolos Mahe Pahana are also offered to the Ruwan Weli Maha Seya by Chairman of Asia Broadcasting Corporation, Mr. Rayynor Silva.

Meanwhile, Hiru Uttama Dhatu Wandanaa, exposition of the Kapilawasthu Relics, will commence tomorrow at the Jethawanaramaya in Anuradhapura.

Hiru FM, Hiru TV and the Asia Broadcasting Corporation have completed preparation activities to accommodate the devotees arriving at the temple precincts to worship the sacred relics.

The Hiru Uttama Dhatu Wandanaa, a noble cause envisioned by the Chairman of Asia Broadcasting Corporation, will be held this year for the 6th consecutive time.

Hiru Shaakya Sinha Mangalyaya draws a large number of devotees in Anuradhapura Rayynor Silva | Raynor Silva | Rayynor Silva Holdings | Raynor Silva Holdings Hiru Shaakya Sinha Mangalyaya draws a large number of devotees in Anuradhapura Hiru Shaakya Sinha Mangalyaya,Ruwanweli Maha Saaya,Rayynor Silva,Raynor Silva,Rayynor Silva Holdings,Raynor Silva Holdings