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Hiru Uththama Daathu Wandanawa begins at Jethawanaaramaya

Hundreds of thousands of devotees arrive to obtain blessings...
 The Hiru Uttama Dhatu Wandanaa, an exposition of the Kapilawasthu Relics, organized by Hiru TV and Hiru FM, marking the 3 momentous events in Buddha’s life,   commenced this morning (Apr. 30) at the historic Jethawanaramaya in Anuradhapura.
 Currently, hundreds and thousands of devotees are gathering to worship the relics, our correspondents say.
The Hiru Uttama Dhatu Wandanawa has been organized for the 6th consecutive year as envisioned by the Chairman of the Asia Broadcasting Corporation, Mr. Raynnor Silva.
The Kapilavasthupura Niseka Sri Sarvaghna relic, which was kept at the Waskaduwa Sri Subhathi temple was brought to the Anuradhapura historic Jethawanaaramaya last night at an auspicious time.
The relics were then placed in front of the adorned relic palace constructed in front of the Jethawararama chaithya.
Prior to the departure, a special Buddha poojawa was conducted for the Kapilawatupura Niseka Sri Savagna relics last afternoon at the Sri Subathi temple.
Marking the Vesak Full Moon Poya day, the Hiru Shakya Sinha Mangalya organized by Hiru TV and Hiru FM commenced throughout yesterday amidst the blessings of hundreds of thousands of devotees at the sacred site of Ruwanweli Maha Saaya.
The Hiru Shakya Sinha Mangalya commenced yesterday after hundreds of thousands of devotees observed Ata Sil prioritizing amisa and prathipaththi pooja.
An Adhishtana pooja was also organized last evening with the participation of thousands of devotees at the sacred Ruwanweli Saaya.
Further, in order to benefit the devotees, rugs being donated to the sacred Ruwanweli Maha Saaya as well as a Samadhi Buddha Statue by the Chairman of Asia Broadcasting Corporation, Mr. Rayynor Silva was a significant event.
 All measures have been taken to continue The Hiru Uttama Dhatu Wandanaa, exposition of the Kapilawasthu Relics until the day after tomorrow.
The Asia Broadcasting Corporation together with Hiru TV and Hiru FM have arranged all facilities required to benefit the devotees travelling from all parts of the country.
Hiru Uththama Daathu Wandanawa begins at Jethawanaaramaya Rayynor Silva | Raynor Silva | Rayynor Silva Holdings | Raynor Silva Holdings Hiru Uththama Daathu Wandanawa begins at Jethawanaaramaya Jethawanaramaya in Anuradhapura,HIRU Uththama Dhathu Vandana,Rayynor Silva,Raynor Silva,Rayynor Silva Holdings,Raynor Silva Holdings