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Sacred Ridee Viharaya is ready for Hiru Shakya Singha Mangalyaya

HIRU Shakyasinha Mangalyaya, organized by HIRU FM and HIRU TV to mark Vesak Festival will be held at Ridi Viharaya in Kurunegala tomorrow.

Ancient Ridi Viharaya, donated to the Maha Sangha by King Dutu Gemunu is believed to have sheltered thousands of Arahat monks in the past.

HIRU Shakyasinha Mangalyaya will begin with material and spiritual offerings at this sacred temple premises.

All arrangements are in place by now to hold dhamma sermons, dhamma discussions and other religious activities.

Illumination the Chetiya of Ridi Viharaya will be switched on by the chairman of Asia Broadcasting Corporation Mr. Rayynor Silva tomorrow evening.

Coinciding with the illumination of Ridi Viharaya Chetiya, one hundred thousand oil lamps will also be lit at the temple premises.

Meanwhile, Asia Broadcasting Corporation has made all arrangements to provided necessary facilities for thousands of pilgrims who are expected at Ridi Viharaya to pay homage to the Kapilawastu relics from all parts of the island on Thursday.

Residents of Ridigama have been waiting for the event over a month.

Sacred Ridee Viharaya is ready for Hiru Shakya Singha Mangalyaya Rayynor Silva | Raynor Silva | Rayynor Silva Holdings | Raynor Silva Holdings Sacred Ridee Viharaya is ready for Hiru Shakya Singha Mangalyaya. Sacred Ridee Viharaya,Hiru Shakya Singha Mangalyaya,Rayynor Silva,Raynor Silva,Rayynor Silva Holdings,Raynor Silva Holdings